Monday, August 29, 2011

Thankful and Stoked to the Max; The Latest News.

  Hi everyone! :)

  I leave for Canada World Youth in less than one week! I thought I would update you on how my preparation is going since I am ridiculously busy (praying that cherry season will end in two days rather than three!) and sadly won't be able to spend nearly enough time with any of you before I go.

  I reached my fundraising goal of $2800 only 15 days after learning I had been accepted to the program. I currently have $2980 in hand for Canada World Youth.
How amazing is that!? I must have THE most generous family, friends and adopted family of any CWY participant ever, and I am so blessed by and grateful to you all! There is a list of donors on the right side of this web page; thank you! I would also like to thank everyone who contributed to my change jars, bought energy drinks in the orchard, donated recyclables, bought cherries and just generally helped me out; your contribution has not gone unnoticed! If you thought about making a donation and would stll like to, it's not too late. You can find the link in my last post or contact me. I'm sure future CWY Youth Volunteers will appreciate your support.

  Having my fundraising goal met has been a big relief because I have more time to devote to other aspects of preparation. Packing, buying supplies (like anti-malarials), university applications for next year, wrapping up various loose ends... It seems that every time I check something off my list three new things take its place!

The other day I talked to my canadian project supervisor, Allyson, on the phone and I've had e-mail contact with her and several of the girls from my group now. It is nice to talk to people who you will be spending 6 months with a bit in advance! Allyson is actually from St.John's, which is apparently unusual, so she is going to have some great work projects and community contacts lined up for us! But, before St.John's, I've learned, we will actually be spending about a week in Halifax for Volunteer Orientation Camp! Yet another chance to see more of Canada, yay!

Lastly, I found a tool for the blog where you can follow by e-mail. So... follow the blog by e-mail! It is on the right-hand side of the page, above the list of donors.

Hope you are having a fantastic day,
with much love and appreciation,

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A New, Big, Wonderful Adventure

I am going to.... GHANA! For three months. And Newfoundland for three months. With Canada World Youth.
Hello! I am just a little bit thrilled...

Heads up, I'm going to ask you for money at the end of this post... I really need your help to make this happen!

The exchange starts in St.John's, Newfoundland, where I will meet the 9 Ghanaians participating as well as 8 other Canadians and our 2 project supervisors. One of the ghanaian girls will become my "counterpart" for the whole 6 months; we will live in the same host family both in Canada and in Ghana and be responsible for certain group activities together.

I leave for St. John's on September 4th. In other words: I will be leaving for 6 months in 22 days.

What CWY has to say about CWY:
-Canada World Youth is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that has been offering international educational programs to youth between the ages of 17 and 24 for 40 years.
-Canada World Youth's mission is to increase the ability of people, and especially young people, to participate actively in the development of just, harmonious and sustainable societies.

What I have to say about CWY: There are just so many fantastic things about this exchange.
- I am going to AFRICA before my 20th birthday!
-The theme of the exchange is Health, so our volunteer projects will be health-related. The project in Ghana will be working on preventing and controlling malaria in young children and women of child-bearing age.
-Girl power! It is an all-female exchange.
-Learning to speak "local dialect" of where I will live in Ghana.
-St.John's is gonna be brilliant... fiddle music, Newfies (I have to learn two new languages!), ocean, visiting a whole new part of Canada.
-I will get an attestation certificate with some university credit value by the end of the program.
-Having a ghanaian counterpart.
-It is practically free. But.....

One of my commitments to CWY is to fundraise $2800. It is going really well, considering I only started on Tuesday... but I will need lots more donations to keep this commitment! By supporting CWY, you will be making it possible for young people like me to take part in the CWY experience.
If you want to make a donation to Canada World Youth and my exchange, you can do so by credit card via this link:
or by cheque or cash through me. :)
Thank you in advance!
I will do my best to keep the blog lively throughout my exchange! I wonder whether the internet connection in Saltpond, Ghana is any good...