Sunday, January 2, 2011

4, 14, 34, 26

I leave for Peru in four days, fourteen hours, thirty-four minutes and twenty-six seconds.

Actually, 4, 4, 16, 19 might be more accurate now that I am flying to Vancouver, but I'll just let the little ticker on the right have its say. Even in the time it took me to write that (and figure out the updated countdown) I have come that much closer to what feels like my impending doom. Despite my usual optimism, you could say my enthusiasm has fizzled somewhat since October. I feel more like I'm about to walk off a cliff than onto a plane. Why!? This is what I've always dreamed of; I have been waiting to travel, really travel since I was like, twelve... so what is wrong with me?! Maybe it's just that I have forgotten to look forward to all the amazing things I will experience and am clinging to all the good times I have here at home. (My stomach churns when I think of leaving all you amazing people for so long!) Maybe I'm afraid of being forgotten. You know... out of sight, out of mind. What about when I get back? Will I be able to get everything I need together for university? Will I be able to find a job? Don't get me wrong, especially you people who are prone to worry (Mom), I have everything I need as far as passports, vaccines, insurance go. I have confidence in my own travel smarts and God's plan for me. I'm not worried about missing my plane in Mexico City or contracting thyphoid in the Amazon. I just seem to have convinced myself that I'm not going to have fun. That everything happening before and after my trip is more important than what I will do during.

I believe that once I get on the plane in Vancouver (or it might take until I get off the plane in Lima) I will be filled with the joy of possibilities and the excitement new places. I know that I will. And then my journey will start fresh and I will embrace it with open arms and a smiling face. You can expect many happy reports from me in the next few months. I already feel better in writing this; releasing all my negativity, admitting I have doubts but also remembering that they shouldn't be given so much importance as to affect how I anticipate my trip or, more importantly, my focus on Jesus, who died so I could live life to the full! (John 10:10)

Please pray for me as I go and for Aldea Yanapay, where I will be volunteering. Please don't hesistate to comment on my blog posts (it lets me know that someone reads them!) and stay tuned for said happy reports of my adventures! :)

with love,

 "So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Matthew 6:31-33

1 comment:

  1. Julia,

    This is something I wrote once I arrived in Paris, after uprooting myself
    once again. Hope it inspires you to go and live your dreams.
    I know that your situation is not exactly the same, but the essence of it is the same...don't worry too much about what others expect of you,
    this is your journey, live it according to what you know to be true for you, as no one else knows what your journey is.....

    It takes guts! It takes guts to do what I have done. To sell off and give
    away most of my things, and move half way across the world to start a
    new life, yet again. To follow ones heart to just go and see how things
    turn out. It takes guts to find a roommate online, a complete stranger,
    meet him once and live with him. One never knows how things will turn out.

    The desire burning inside to allow this sort of thing to happen must be great and intense, otherwise one would end up worrying too much about what might happen that what could, never will.

    It is a good thing that I am kind of a wanderer, otherwise I would not
    have the experiences and memories I have had. When I set out to go traveling, I never think about the friends I will make along the way, but I always find them...or they find me, and I think that the best thing about travelling are the friends that you keep for years afterwards, they are the best souvenirs.

    I always feel that things will turn out in a way that will support my desires, and they do. Of course I worry about things, but I guess not enough to stop me from following my hearts song. If we could all listen to our hearts more often, we would all be freer to just be and allow our lives to flow, imagine a society that could allow this sort of thing! What a utopia that would be.

    I am proud of you, have a great trip,
    LOVE Auntie Seasonn
